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Baldur’s Gate 3 Wie man Astarion verführt’ In this guide, we’ll explore the exciting world of romance in Baldur’s Gate 3 and focus on everyone’s favorite vampire spawn, Astarion. Whether you’re a smooth-talking bard or a stealthy rogue, we’ve got you covered on how to win this brooding vampire’s heart. 1. Catch Astarion’s eye First things first, you need to grab Astarion’s attention. He’s a creature of the night, so try to showcase your mysterious side. Wear dark clothing, use enchanting spells, or simply whisper seductively. Just make sure you don’t come across as a creepy stalker. 2. Engage in meaningful conversations Astarion is not one for small talk. Engage him in deep conversations about the nature of existence, the meaning of life, or the best ways to drain someone’s blood (okay, maybe not the last one). Show him that you’re more than just a pretty face and that you can stimulate his intellectual side. 3. Show empathy Astarion has a troubled past, so it’s important to show him that you understand his pain. Listen to his stories, offer a sympathetic ear, and reassure him that he’s not alone. But be careful not to overdo it – nobody likes a constant emotional wreck. 4. Flirt, flirt, flirt Once you’ve built a connection with Astarion, it’s time to turn up the charm. Use your best pick-up lines, compliment his pale complexion, and flirt shamelessly. Just be prepared for his biting sarcasm and quick wit – he’s not easily impressed. 5. Make decisions that align with his interests Pay attention to Astarion’s preferences and make choices that align with his dark and mischievous nature. Support his thirst for bloodshed, encourage his sneaky antics, and indulge in his love for all things forbidden. Just remember to stay on the right side of the law (at least most of the time). 6. Don’t rush it Romance takes time, especially when dealing with a centuries-old vampire. Don’t expect Astarion to fall head over heels for you instantly. Take things slow, build a solid foundation, and let the romance unfold naturally. Patience is key, my friend. So there you have it, a guide on how to romance Astarion in Baldur’s Gate 3. Just remember to have fun, be yourself, and embrace the dark side. Happy seducing!

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